Grade Live

Grade Live standardises and streamlines the way a college tracks student progress.

Introduction to Grade Live Out Now

What is Grade Live?

Grade Live standardises and streamlines the way a college tracks student progress.

Tutors enter their professional judgement for how well each student is progressing for each of their courses at different points in the year. The college can define the progress options available. For example Below Target, On Target, Above Target. Optionally the college can ask tutors to enter the Grade that they believe they are working towards and a comment to back this up.

The college can define the Progress Periods across the year. For example 6 Progress Periods P1 to P6 - October, December, February, March, April and May.

The Tutor can quickly enter the Progress within the current Progress Period. This can be entered by group or by course or by student or by department.

The way that progress changes over time can be visualised at student, group, course or department levels. Each Progress option can be colour coded to be able to quickly analyse progress. For example red, amber, green.

Each Progress option can be given an equivalent numerical value e.g. Below Target = 0, On Target = 50, Above Target = 100. Our sophisticated reporting lets the college analyse the data by splitting it in many different ways. This includes:

  • Organisation Structure - Faculty, Department, etc
  • Course/Group
  • Learning Aim - NVQ Level, Qual Type, SSA, Awarding Body etc
  • Student - e.g. Gender, Ethnicity, Learning Difficulty, etc
  • Enrolment - Provision Type, Attendance, etc
  • Custom Statistics

This allows for sophisticated Heat Maps to be created to easily spot problematic areas.

Progress can be displayed in ILP Live for students to see.

Or for colleges using Notification Live progress can be displayed within our mobile app.

The next phase of Grade Live development due at the end of 2024 is our full Gradebook.

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