Planning Live

Standardising Provision with Planning Live...


Education Institutions often have large numbers of learners studying the same qualifications. Examples include GCSE or Functional Skills Maths and English. There may be 100's or 1000's of students studying these qualifications in dozens of Groups. The quality of how these lessons are taught can vary massively throughout the organisation. Other examples might include standardising tutorials with themed weeks across the entire organisation.

Planning Live has been used within FE to standardise the Scheme of Work across provision but still allow teachers to add their own personalisation to the Scheme of Work.

The process involves Heads of Department or Curriculum collaboring to create a ‘master’ Scheme of Work. When teachers want to create their own version of the Scheme of Work they can use the master as a template which will copy all the information in the Scheme of Work including Lesson Plans which the teacher can modify as they see fit.


Let’s look at how provision can be standardised for GCSE English for example. A Scheme of Work has ‘Owners’. Owner are members of staff who can edit the Scheme of Work.

The Scheme of Work may have multiple owners, people who can all collaborate on the Scheme of Work.

Different Owners can look at creating detailed Scheme of Work content for a subset of lessons. Lessons can be colour coded to quickly see who owns which lesson. For example Felicity could edit the ‘red’ lessons whereas Jean could edit the ‘orange’ lessons.

Different Owners could also create detailed Lesson Plans for each Lesson down to each individual activity time slot...

The owners could also provide some overall context for the scheme of work for example Overall Aims & Objectives...


Once the ‘master’ scheme of work has been created teachers will want to create their own schemes of work…

When adding a Scheme of Work they will be able to choose the GCSE English Template. This will copy all elements of the ‘master’ Scheme of Work into their own Scheme of Work.

The Teacher can then make the Scheme of Work their own.

They can change the Dates and Times of the Scheme of Work to reflect their own Group…

Changing Dates and times will automatically recalculate each lesson date and time taking into account holidays. Their lessons can even be looked up from their timetables.

They can see a Group Profile of the students in their Group...

This could be used to help fill in extra Scheme of Work Context e.g. About the Learners in the Group...

Later on they can reflect on the Scheme of Work...

This should ensure how the qualification is taught is standardised across your organisation. Please contact us here for more information...