Notification Live

Award Winning Branded App for your College!

Our Notification Live App for York College & Uni Centre has won Highly Commended for the Digital Education and Development Award

2024 Educate North Awards

Notification Live Intro Now Available!

What is Notification Live?

Check out our short video.

A Branded Mobile App for your college which can be used by staff, students, parents, applicants etc.

Send push notifications to phones.

Set up your own pages to show custom information e.g. Term Dates, Timetables, Exams, Smart Targets.

The entire App is customisable by the college.

How do students, etc get the App?

The student can go to the Google Play or Apple Store and search for their college. Then download app to their phone.

Also the college can use the system to bulk send an email or sms to all users with a direct link to the app.

You could even have posters around college with the QR code to the app. Students take a picture with their phone and off they go.

Staff or students can log into the app with their college credentials.

For enhanced security Multi Factor Authenication is supported with a verification code sent via Email or SMS.

How do I get data in the App?

We link with your college student records system to pull data into the app. The data is synced every night.

This can be used to import staffs, students, enrolments, parents, timetables, courses, groups, organisational structure.

This means for a teacher they could log in and send a notification to all students in their class. Or a department head could send a notification to staff in their department.

What about branding?

You decide how the app looks.

This means you can have your own college logo, name for app and colour scheme. This can all be easily set up using the admin website.

How do I send notifications?

The system comes with a web application used to configure and send notifications.

There are lots of possibilities here.

Send a bulk notification to all students, staff, parents etc. College closed today.

Send a bulk notification every Monday morning to tell each student these are their lessons this week.

Send a notification every morning if student did not turn up.

You decide what you want to send.

Or staff can send custom notifications.

For example a teacher could send a notification to one of their students or all students in the class.

A head of department could send a notification to all students in their area or all staff in their area.

What happens when I receive a notification

A popup will appear on your mobile device similar to a text message.

You can click this notification to see more details and all your other sent notifications.

What else can I send?

Optionally when you send a notification you can allow the recipient to reply.

This can be text or a customized list of options e.g. agree/disagree, Yes/No, 1-10 or anything else you want.

These replies can be viewed by the sender and could be used to automatically update other systems e.g. reasons for absence.

You can also send files with notifications which the user can download.

Can I track notifications?

Yes you can track all notifications.

You will know if a user has downloaded the app, is actively using the app, whether the notification has been opened or sent or replied to.

You can track each individual campaign or across the college

Banners with important announcements can be added to the App to display permanently e.g. "College closed today due to snow". These banners can be modified whenever the college wants to make important new announcements.

Setting up custom pages

The system comes with a menu builder to decide what other pages you want to show.

For each menu item decide the name, colour and icon.

The possibilities are endless here.

You could display pages showing information about your college.
Term dates.
Contact information.

Or targeted data where you could show information specific to the user.

For example you are a student. You could set up pages to see timetables, exams, smart targets, upcoming assessments, markbook information etc.

Create your own datasources to pull in whatever information you want.

Use these datasources to create charts to bring the data to life!

You are a member of staff. Maybe here you could set up pages to see upcoming actions or observations.

You are an applicant. You could see the current status of your applications.

Each type of user can have their own set of pages. One of the pages can be set as the default homepage. You can even set up pages which do not require a login to view e.g. college information.

Pages can even be embedded web pages for example your college website embedded in the app or useful links to websites e.g. your VLE.

Design your own Data Capture Forms.

Do you need to gather information from students? You can design your own input forms.

For example an Enquiry Form or an Absence Form or a Survey or Induction Questions about their strengths or goals etc.

For each input decide upon the label and type of control - Text Area, List, Checkbox, Date or Time Field.

Once submitted these forms can come through as actions for specific members of staff.

Who can review and process the information.

These forms can be fully tracked by the college to identify which actions have been completed...

If you use ILP Live any information entered into the ILP can be viewed in Notification Live by the student or parent etc.

And vice versa any information entered by the student can be visible to the tutors,etc .

More information about using Notification Live and ILP Live together can be found here

Some other cool features

When sending bulk campaigns you can also choose to send emails and sms as well as app notifications.

Links with ProMonitor so a teacher can quickly add notifications from the ILP or Student Group pages.

Links with Observation Live so when observations are made visible to the teacher they can receive a notification.

Notifications vs SMS and Email

Texts are expensive. Colleges can spend £1000's per year sending these out. Here you can send as many notifications as you like.

Students all have smart phones and expect a modern approach. Do students really check their college email? With SMS and Email you cannot track engagement. Here you know for each notification whether it has been sent and opened.

You cannot meaningfully reply to SMS. Here the sender can view replies. Replies can even be used to automatically update another system.

When sending SMS you are limited to characters and formatting. With notifications you can send nicely formatted text with attachments.

Case Studies - How Notification Live is used by Providers
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